4. Set aside a day and go through your ideas.
- Is there anything that can be combined into a single project?
Put the top items that you really want to work on and start with one of them. Set a timer for 20 minutes. And start writing. Do that with each project. If you find that you can keep writing after 20 minutes, then that’s the project you should continue.
What if you can do that with all of them? – I would suggest taking the top two from that exercise and writing 20 more minutes on each.
There are authors who can write more than one book at a time. If you’re going to try this, I suggest creating a mood board for each project so when you’re ready to start you can look at the board and be in the story for that book
My other suggestion is to get involved in as many writing events as you can. I run the Short Storyathon every quarter and that helps me make progress on my various ideas. I have about ten short stories I’ve written and I’ wouldn’t have that much written if I wasn’t going thru the writing process. It also gives me a break from whatever novel I’m working on.
You can also decide to let an idea go. If you’re not sure what I mean, you should check out Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.
Show Notes: